4埃拉迪奥是一名狩猎庄园管理员,他接受了一名资深猎人的贿赂。但几周后,他的整个生活却变得分崩离析。这个对来他说看似千载难逢的机会最终变成了一场可怕的地狱之旅,埃拉迪奥将在那里测试他的极限。这是一个因欲望而向恶魔失去一切的人令人不安的旅程。 -
Max, a 25-year-old aspiring writer living in London, begins a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.
95Months after the explosion at the Inferno, Hugo sets out to find the one responsible and avenge Triana. Meanwhile, Macarena tries to abandon her sex a -
5It follows Oskar, who dreams of setting up a gym. He ends up entering the world of the Costa del Sol, all due to the Farads, a family that offers him