483故事发生在1990年夏天前东德图林根州附近的乡村。即将年满19岁的玛丽亚和男友约翰内斯住在约翰内斯父母的农场里,她宁愿沉浸在书本中,也不愿专注于毕业。随着德国的统一,人们有一种新时代来临的感觉。 当玛丽亚遇到住在隔壁的农民亨纳时,玛丽亚与这个比她年龄大一倍、任性、有魅力的男人燃起强烈的激情。在充 -
14痴迷于真实案件的伊娃·沃在她 30 岁生日那天被她的好朋友们邀请到了某款约会软件上,她因此开启了自己浪漫的约会之旅。但随着她最喜欢的播客披露了最近谋杀案的细节,她意识到她聊过的三个男人中的一个可能就是凶手。 -
7A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell. -
A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.
修复The Fix
16When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of t -
10When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of -
4Family navigates turbulent 1960s dynamics. Mom separates from alcoholic husband. Daughters grapple with changes. Dad's antique gift hides dark force -
1讲述了一位领唱者陷入信仰危机的故事,当他的小学音乐老师作为新的成年成人礼学生重新进入他的生活时,他发现他的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。 -
9When a paranormal social media influencer winds up dead, a USFS ranger must pull himself out of mourning to grapple with the reality of the fact tha