6Isaac, and his wife, Tania, are heading to the countryside to help Isaac's estranged father Abe do some projects around the house as an opportunit -
12戒律森严的寄宿学校里,蜜拉品学兼优,相较于其他正值青春期的同侪开始在意服装打扮、对异性产生好奇,她在老师眼里不仅衣着得体、裙长及膝,还是学弟妹的模范榜样。父亲长期离家工作,母亲将心力全投注在她身上,蜜拉背负着所有人的期待,每天恪守着「完美女孩」的框架,直到转学来的神秘天文社男孩闯入生活,情思涌动的她 -
Chicago book editor Sarah heads back to her Amish family farm. With the help of a handsome local outsider, Dean, a friend of the Amish, they hope to
4It’s year 2147, men are sterile due to a virus leaving humankind almost extinct and Tania, a biologist, is trying to inseminate herself to prevent t -
1清晨,诺兰在森林中醒来时发现双手被反绑在树上,几经努力逃生无果。被饥渴折磨了几日后终于有一个徒步者出现,但对方安营扎寨竟然故意忽略自己,诺兰不知为何遭受这般虐待。影片虽然在室外取景,但导演马克·施科尔曼利用被束缚的活动空间营造出特殊的幽闭恐惧感,在全力刻画诺兰为存活而战的同时,也用另一种角度解释了怜 -
5根据一个真实的美国故事改编,《孤独的士兵》讲述了杰克逊·哈洛的生活,从年轻的梦想家到被困扰的退伍军人,在这部对PTS(D)的悲惨描绘中,它不仅对士兵,而且对他们所爱的人产生了影响。 -
The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant.