182The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults -
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adul
4剧情罗马尼亚解放初期。当时国内外敌人互相勾结,企图破坏新成立的人民政府。罗马尼亚公安保卫人员机智勇敢地和潜伏的阶级敌人进行着殊死的斗争。塞马卡因证据不足被无罪释放,他又指使手下的匪徒化装成警察,破坏游行队伍,枪杀无辜的群众。 塞马卡的弟弟让·塞马卡的雇工瓦尔克向罗曼警长揭发了让·塞马卡的庄园里藏 -
11On their way to adulthood, the three outsiders Mark, Memo and Becky come into contact with a fantastic world called the Black Tower. There, the Griffi -
6Sketchy Behaviour is an absurd sketch comedy show filmed live in front of a largely captive audience in Mumbai. Described as hilarious, complex, stupi -
34一名男子的妻子遭器官贩卖组织杀害。一心复仇的他与亡妻心脏的女人产生了交集 raku2022-04-20 21:08:50灰色禁忌主题 词汇都蛮简单口音不重的 不用开字幕也行 这剧就是时不时会插播一些奇怪的歌影响氛围 仿佛在看泰剧hhh stillwater2022-04-21 14:21:00西蒙的 -
2733岁的安德烈斯已经在柏林生活了10年。他返回智利想对过去做个了结,却在朋友的生日宴会上,重新发现了遗留下的美好世界——包括他的情人…… -
33George is the scapegoat of his classmates. One day he cracks and shoots them. His best and only friend Blaise is accused in his place and sentenced