70A journalist goes in search of the truth after a series of brutal deaths and disappearances lead back to an urban legend about a serial killing clow -
Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handin
1距今六千五百万年前的远古时代,大大小小的恐龙正在当时翠绿潮湿的地球上漫步。突然间,一声巨大的轰鸣划破长空,伴之以一道耀眼异常的光线,随之形成了一个通往另一空间的裂缝。并出现了一艘巨大的,结构复杂的跨时空飞船,飞船放射出强烈的光线将四只小恐龙吸入了实验室中。他们是剑背龙、霸天龙、飞天龙和三角龙。在 -
48Emmanuelle withdraws into a temple in Tibet, where she wants to find to her true self. She's given a mystic substance which will give her youth and al