41印度首部反乌托邦故事《寻女苦旅》以虚构世界雅利安伐尔塔为背景,那里充满了巨大的苦难,高压极权的婚恋规则,对纯洁、共产的痴迷引发的虚构极端事件,戏剧性社会分裂事件,以及坚韧和勇气。 《寻女苦旅》中的故事发生在政治和情感上的反乌托邦世界雅利安伐尔塔,讲述了一位母亲对女儿永恒的爱。 该剧集已于 2 -
1这是一部由著名推特@soverybritish的推文改编而来的纪录片,采访了诸多喜剧明星,讲述英国特色的处世文化。旁白Julie Walters。 关于英国: 一句sorry各种含义,"interesting"其实是“呵呵”,从早到晚一直道歉纯属习惯,怒火中烧也不忘表面的礼貌 -
The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who com
3A documentary on the lives of the Bronte family produced to mark the 200th anniversary of Charlotte's birth. -
6The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to recl