50这是一部经典的美国的动画片。一天,一家工厂泄漏的有毒化学物质流到了纽约市的地下水道,这些化学物质令到四只平凡的小海龟发生了基因突变,变成了像人一样能站立行走的人形海龟,他们分别是米开朗基罗、达芬奇、拉... -
《Show Me The Money》制作组新的原创综艺《Rap:Public》K-嘻哈选秀节目通过流媒体平台TVING播出,将展现个性强烈的Rapper们更加火热激烈的博弈……
《Show Me The Money》制作组新的原创综艺《Rap:Public》K-嘻哈选秀节目通过流媒体平台TVING播出,将展现个性强烈的Rapper们更加火热激烈的博弈……
20-something Aden has no other ambition in life than to become an actor. Most of his time is spent making videos as he applies for roles he’ll never
9In a decaying America, 20 years after an apocalyptic event, Pike leads Ruby, Slim, Scar, and Boots through the wasteland towards the town of Jawbone