1Four youths face a horrifying experience as they return to their internship village, encountering the vengeful Ronggeng dancer ghost Sulastri, who s -
8高中生拉拉是名奥运跳水选手,她的生活就是日复一日,优雅精准地跃入水中。然而在高中最后一年,帅气的转学生游迪斯令她的生活出现了极大转变。这是拉拉的初恋,完全占据了她的心思,打乱原本规律的训练和作息。这对小情侣仿佛拥有全世界,直到游迪斯的关爱和承诺渐成了要求与强迫,不为人知的一面慢慢显露… -
After years of being friendly with her little ghosts, Risa begins to feel that she must have a normal life like other women. Especially now Risa has