修复The Fix
16When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of t -
10When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of -
6生活在南非的土著族黑人少年祖鲁(John Matshikiza 饰)与白人少年雷诺(Leon Schuster 饰)曾是无间的好友,然而,一名来自美国的白人女孩罗怡娜(Terri Treas 饰)的到来彻底改变了祖鲁的生活。罗怡娜对黑人持歧视态度,经常欺凌祖鲁,让他心爱的女友也离开了他前往美国。 -
46Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our -
94CYSTisanoldschoolmonstermovieinwhichanenthusiasticplasticsurgeonwillstopatnothingtopatenthislatestcyst-removalmachine.WhatstartedoutasPatricia(EvaHabe -
12A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he -
16Jessica Burns enlists the help of her best friend, Brian, in order to document the relentless harassment she's received from her former friend, Av