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  • 主演:Hordii Dziubynskyi Roman Liakh Oleksandr Rudynskyi Yelyzaveta Zaitseva Olesia Zhurakivska 
  • 状态:高清版
  • 导演:Eva Strelnikova
  • 类型:剧情动作
  • 简介:影片开始时,一名在基辅做志愿者的年轻女子得到了一台笔记本电脑,这些笔记本电脑是乌克兰普通民众为支持战争而捐赠的。她被要求安装一个敏感的军事应用程序并把笔记本电脑交给她在前线服役的哥哥。 但是这个女人接到了一个神秘的视频电话,是一个小男孩打来的,他正在寻找他的父亲,也就是这台笔记本电脑的前任主人,他的父亲在俄罗斯军队对布查无辜平民的残酷屠杀中失踪了。不情愿地,她同意帮助寻找他失踪的父母——这个决定最终将迫使她冒着自己亲人的生命危险。 The film begins when a young woman volunteering in Kyiv is given one of the thousands of laptops donated by ordinary Ukrainians to support the war effort. She’s asked to install a sensitive military application and deliver the laptop to her brother serving on the frontline. But the woman receives a mysterious video call from a young boy searching for his father, the laptop’s previous owner, who went missing during the Russian army’s brutal massacre of innocent civilians in Bucha. Reluctantly, she agrees to help find his missing parents — a decision that will ultimately force her to risk the lives of her own loved ones.

