The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect their new master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life.
10第四部的时间,是发生在第二部之后,但是重新开始了一段故事。讲述一个科研小子在波蒂戈湾饭店搞实验,发现了魔偶和相应的配方。与此同时,古埃及邪神为了夺回秘方,开始派出爪牙大开杀戒。这一次,坏玩偶们,齐心协力开始和邪魔玩偶开始大战……值得一提的是,这一部终于没有床戏了…… 从此,魔偶大师开始有了接班人 -
The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect their new master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life.